Yeah, sure. Then why did their lawyer suggest they hand over child abuse files? Obviously, to solicit victims
Already way over 200 victims have contacted RV. They hardly need to 'solicit'. This is an avalanche of suffering, caused in part by Watchtower.
and encourage them to sue in an attempt to drain them financially. This isn’t rocket science.
If you know anything about the Dutch legal system, you'd know monetary compensation for anything are jokes around here. This is not the USA. Trying to drain Watchtower financially by seeking compensation payments is useless in the Netherlands.
This has never been and will never be about protecting children of Jehovahs Witnesses.
You are describing Watchtower perfectly. Maybe even your own mindset.
Whatdo you do to improve the situation of child abuse victims within JW. At least RV is doing something. Don't accuse others of not caring for victims of you haven't done a single thing to help them yourself.
If it were, RV would go after the parents of abused children and demand answers as to why they failed their children.
JW parents' behavior is in large part a result of Watchtower doctrine, policies and culture. Don't JW normally pride themselves in having been reformed thanks to Watchtower? In cases like these, with elders having knowledge of abuse but not supporting victims to go to the police, or even discouraging them to do so, Watchtower is at least partly responsible. Their policies are damaging, and need to change.
But WT has the deeper pockets, and retribution is in order.
We'll see about that. Normally it's the mythical, loving Yahweh who seeks retribution, even if that means having to kill his own child as payment to himself. So I can see why you assume everyone thinks like that.
Zoals de waard is vertrouwt hij zijn gasten.